
Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Workshop on Android App Development

The SIGIS is going to organize several workshops on Android app development.

We will have the first workshop on Dec 23, 2013 (Mon) 10:00-13:00 at RRS 638.

Details of other sessions will be announced.
To know more about the workshop, please refer to the Event page.

If you are interested, please register at asap.
Registration Deadline: Dec 19, 2013 12:00 (noon) (Thur) Closed.

- Seats are limited, priority will be given to students who will work on Android related projects.
- You will receive confirmation email about your registration result on or before Dec 20, 2013 (Fri).

It is highly recommended to bring an Android device (and the connection cable) to the workshop for testing the apps.

Questions? Drop us an email :-)